2021 Winter Assembly – October 2021
Welcome from District 12 hosts
Hello Colorado Area Al-Anon members!
District 12 welcomes you to our upcoming Winter Assembly, this coming weekend, October 29-31, 2021 at the DoubleTree Hilton Hotel DTC (7801 East Orchard Road, Greenwood Village 80111). The following are some useful things to note for this event:
Most of our assembly business will be on the lowest level of the hotel, in the Magenta & Indigo rooms. Though you can get to us from the lobby by going downstairs, there is a separate entrance to our rooms on the west side of the hotel (nearest to the Shell station). The entrance to this area is shown in the attached picture (so you can recognize it when you circle around the building).
We are co-staffing the Hospitality suite (rooms 331 and 339) jointly with AA. The suite is upstairs on level 3 and can be accessed using the guest elevators, or from the lobby level by going around the hotel registration desk to the left and straight across the cool, bridge-ramp. Signs will point you there.
AA’s rooms will be on the floor above our Assembly space. This is also where the Saturday evening Speaker Meeting will be held.
Lunch buffet and ice cream social tickets will be sold in the Atrium by AA and Al-Anon volunteers. Cash only while supplies last.
We will have a Friday Night Owl and Saturday Early Bird meetings led by Solid Foundations AFG. They have also prepared a fabulous video for our entertainment!
Lydia from Path to Freedom AFG will be our Saturday Lunch speaker, and Heather from Highlands AFG will be our Saturday Evening speaker.
Donna V., our Area Archives Coordinator, will be running our Silent Auction. Please e-mail Donna (archives@al-anon-co.org) if you or your group have donations for the auction.
Winter Assembly Agenda English Español
- 2021 Assembly-approved 2021 budget
- 2022 Budget Planning
- 8 Sep AWSC meeting: Proposed DRAFT Colorado Area Guidelines
Election materials: position/job descriptions. These will migrate to locations in Members pull-down menu after elections.
- Alateen Coordinator
- Alternate Delegate
- Archives Coordinator
- Alateen Process Person
- Area Chairperson
- Area Secretary
- Area Treasurer
- Area Delegate
- Butterfly Coordinator
- GR Connection Chair
- Information Tech (IT) Coordinator
- Literature and Forum Coordinator
- Public Outreach Coordinator
- Records Coordinator
- Spanish Coordinator
- State Convention Chair
- Website Coordinator
- Weekend in AlAnon Chair
2021 Summer Assembly – July 2021
- Summer Assembly Agenda English Español
- Map of the Burlington Old Town Museum
- Bill S notes “The assembly will be in the Heritage Hall. Tickets for the meals, Saturday’s lunch and dinner, will be available inside the Hall next to the Registration booth. There will also be a limited number of tickets available for the Ice Cream Social. Also, there will be an Old Town Gunfighter performance at noon Saturday, July 10, in front of the Saloon. The fee is $10 for attending this and the ticket should be purchased at the Museum office. Note this is not part of the Al-Anon Assembly and thus the fee.”
- 2021 Assembly-approved budget
- Draft of Colorado Area Guidelines
- Colorado Area 2021 Budget year to date
2021 Spring Assembly – March 2021
All documents to be discussed at the Assembly
- Assembly packet for Group Reps
- Delegate’s Spring Assembly presentation
- Area surplus options to consider
- State convention position description
- Spanish language coordinator job description
- Spanish translation coordinator position costs
- Spanish translation equipment task force presentation
- GR Connects position description
- Literature/Forum coordinator position description
- Weekend in Alanon position description
- Alternate Delegate position description
- Colorado Area 2020 Financial Recap/2021 Year-to-Date
- Colorado Assembly 2021 Budget
- Colorado Area Position Description Suggested Updates DRAFT
- Colorado Area Guidelines January 2021 DRAFT